Labeled parathyroid hormone (125I-PTH) injected IV into rat fetuses is removed from the circulation with a half-life of 31 min. In pregnant female rats the value obtained for the half-life is 21 min. The absence of 125I-PTH in maternal or in fetal plasma after injection of 125I-PTH to the fetus or to the mother respectively, provides evidence for the absence of placental transfer of PTH. A very high accumulation of trichloracetic acid precipitable radioactivity is observed in the liver after injection of labeled PTH into the fetus. Low values are found in kidneys, gastrointestinal tract and placenta. In the pregnant rat the in vitro 125I-PTH inactivation is much higher in the kidney than in the liver. On the contrary, in the fetus, the kidney and the liver have the same activity; the placenta has a low activity inferior to that of the fetal kidney. The most active fetal tissue for inactivating 125I-PTH is the gastrointestinal tract.