Silver-spotted skippers do not form large sympatric assemblages of species and their distributions do not suggest mimicry as a factor in their origin. Epargyreus clarus (Cramer) is the common silver-spotted skipper of extratropical North America. Panoquina evadnes (Cramer) is a common hesperiine found from Guatemala to Brazil. These 2 may be sympatric in a small part of their ranges but are largely allopatric. P. evadnes is common in riparian forests near Cali, Valle del Cauca, Columbia. The perching behavior of these insects represents one of the classic insect mate-location strategies. Many species of Panoquina are plain brown with less pointed forewings, less produced anal angles and no markings. None appear to be perchers. One of them, P. ocola Edwards, is abundant in Cali, but is rarely found in the same location as P. evadnes.

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