Spontaneous resolution of severe aplastic anemia associated with viral hepatitis a in a 6‐year‐old child

Recovery from acquired aplastic anemia associated with hepatitis is rare. This case of a 6‐year‐old boy with severe aplastic anemia is the first reported association of this disease with a hepatitis A infection. Antibody to hepatitis A (anti‐HA) was not detected on admission, but was detected three weeks later. Infection with hepatitis B virus, cytomegalovirus (CMV), and Epstein‐Barr virus (EBV) were excluded. The peak titer of anti‐HA was higher than would be expected for passive transfer of antibody resulting from transfusions. The persistence of antibody for more than 20 months after the last transfusion was not consistent with passive antibody, which would be expected to disappear over that time. This child had indications for allogeneic marrow transplant and a sibling donor who was histocompatible. However, the transplant was postponed because the prognosis was considered to be poor in the presence of active hepatitis. There was a spontaneous remission without the necessity of the transplantation procedure.