Shoot, Stolon, and Tuber Formation on Potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) Cuttings in Response to Photoperiod

The intensity of tuberization stimulus in potato shoots (S. tuberosum L.) was assessed from cuttings containing 1 or more leaves. Cuttings maintained in a mist chamber under long days will form tubers from underground buds if prior to taking the cutting the leaves received sufficient exposure to photoperiods less than the critical photoperiod. The greatest tendency to tuberize was found in cuttings that consisted of a single, fully expanded leaf and its subtended bud. Grafts showed that genetical differences in critical photoperiod resided in properties of the leaf. Short days before cutting tended to shift growth from above ground buds of 2-node cuttings to below ground buds, even if the number of short days was insufficient for tuber induction. As few as 6 short days reduced growth of shoots at the upper bud and increased underground growth of shoots and stolons.