An intrasellar pituitary tumour producing metastases in liver, bone and lymph glands and demonstration of ACTH in the metastatic deposits

We report the history, laboratory and histological findings in a man who presented with Cushing''s disease. Despite removal of the primary pituitary tumor, his disease progressed and after bilateral adrenalectomy, he became pigmented and plasma ACTH levels remained elevated. He had further pituitary surgery and radiotherapy, to relieve compression of the optic chiasma. Plasma ACTH levels remained elevated. He developed liver, bone and lymph gland metastases and after an acute paraparesis due to spinal metastases he died. Immunoperoxidase staining techniques demonstrated ACTH in the pituitary recurrence and metastases. The combination of bone, liver and lymph node metastases has not previously been reported, nor has ACTH been reported before in metastases from a primary intrasellar tumor.