Eosinophilic leukemia is considered to be an extremely rare disorder. Wintrobe,1 in the last edition of his text, points out that approximately 25 cases have been reported in which there was marked unexplained leukocytosis with striking eosinophilia. In the reported cases the relatively acute course was in sharp contrast to the consistent maturity of the eosinophiles in the peripheral circulation. The duration of illness in 14 of the patients was from a few days to 14 months. Enlargement of the spleen, liver, and lymph glands was not always present, but there was anemia and thrombocytopenia, and the leukocyte count ranged from normal to 265,000 per cubic millimeter. Death occurred in all the cases, and the findings resembled those of leukemia except for infiltration by eosinophilic cells instead of other forms. In several patients the terminal morphological picture was that of acute myeloblastic leukemia. Wintrobe further states that it seems