Genomic imprinting: potential function and mechanisms revealed by the Prader-Willi and Angelman syndromes.

The Prader-Willi (PWS) and Angelman (AS) syndromes are two clinically distinct syndromes which result from lack of expression of imprinted genes within chromosome 15q11-q13. These two syndromes result from 15q11-q13 deletions, chromosome 15 uniparental disomy (UPD), imprinting centre mutations and, for AS, probable mutations in a single gene. The differential phenotype results from a paternal genetic deficiency in PWS patients and a maternal genetic deficiency in AS patients. Within 15q11-q13, four genes (SNRPN, IPW, ZNF127, FNZ127) and two expressed sequence tags (PAR1 and PAR5) have been found to be expressed only from the paternally inherited chromosome, and therefore all must be considered candidate genes involved in the pathogenesis of PWS. A candidate AS gene (UBE3A) has very recently been identified. The mechanisms of imprinted gene expression are not yet understood, but it is clear that DNA methylation is involved in both somatic cell expression and inheritance of the imprint. The presence of DNA methylation imprints that distinguish the paternally and maternally inherited alleles is a common characteristic of all known imprinted genes which have been studied extensively, including SNRPN and ZNF127. Recently, several PWS and AS patients have been found that have microdeletions in a region upstream of the SNRPN gene referred to as the imprinting centre, or IC. Paternal IC deletions in PWS patients and maternal IC deletions in AS patients result in uniparental DNA methylation and uniparental gene expression at biparentally inherited loci. The IC is a novel genetic element which controls initial resetting of the parental imprint in the germline for all imprinted gene expression over a 1.5-2.5 Mb region within chromosome 15q11-q13.

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