The synaptic organization of projections from the lateral mammillary neurons within the dorsal tegmental nucleus of Gudden is studied in the rat with the aid of anterograde transport of horseradish peroxidase conjugated with wheat germ agglutinin (WGA‐HRP) and visualized with tetramethylbenzidine. The dorsal tegmental nucleus consists of the pars ventralis (TDV) and the pars dorsalis (TDD). The normal neuropil of the dorsal tegmental nucleus contains three classes of axodendritic terminals, that is, terminals containing round, flat, and pleomorphic vesicles. They make up 44%, 5%, and 51%, respectively, of all axodendritic terminals in the TDV, and 62%, 1%, and 37% in the TDD.Injection of WGA‐HRP into the lateral mammillary nucleus permits ultrastructural recognition of many anterograde labeled terminals within both the TDV and TDD. In the TDV, 81% of the labeled terminals contain round synaptic vesicles and make asymmetric synaptic contacts. A few of the labeled terminals contain pleomorphic vesicles and make symmetric synaptic contacts. More than 50% of the labeled terminals contact intermediate dendrites (1–2 ÎŒm diameter). In the TDD, almost all labeled terminals are small, contain round vesicles, and make asymmetric synaptic contacts. These terminals mainly contact intermediate as well as distal (less than 1 ÎŒm diameter) dendrites. There are only a few labeled terminals with pleomorphic vesicles and no terminals with flat vesicles. The termination pattern of the lateral mammillary neurons in the TDV is similar to that in the TDD. Anterograde labeled axon terminals often contact retrograde labeled dendrites in the TDV. No reciprocal connections are present in the TDD. These results suggest that the TDV and the TDD receive mainly excitatory and a few inhibitory inputs from the lateral mammillary nucleus. The TDV neurons also have direct reciprocal connections with the lateral mammillary neurons.