Structure of the parathyroid glands, as revealed by different methods of fixation

Stereology and semi-automatic image analysis were used with the aim of comparing the structure of parathyroid glands from untreated adult Mongolian gerbils fixed by immersion with those fixed by perfusion. Subclassification of the chief cells based upon the staining affinity or electron density of the cytoplasm was readily performed only in glands fixed by immersion, and so-called atrophic cells were observed only in these glands. The atrophic cells were often surrounded by “light” chief cells. In glands fixed by perfusion, “light” chief cells were only rarely encountered. A significant difference between glands fixed by immersion and those fixed by perfusion was found only with regard to the form of cells and nuclei, those fixed by perfusion being more spherical. When comparing individual cells within glands fixed by immersion, “light” chief cells were more spherical and had a significantly larger nuclear and cellular size, and a lower mitochondrial volume density than the “intermediate”/“dark” chief cells. Otherwise there were no significant differences in any of the parameters investigated. These data indicate that occurrence of socalled “light” chief cells and atrophic cells is a result of improper fixation. The results of this study do not favour the concept of a functional cycle with a simultaneous occurrence of active and inactive cells within parathyroid glands.