The effect of selection on individual performance for a quantitative trait is studied theoretically for populations of finite size. The trait is assumed to be affected by environmental error and by segregation at a single locus. Exact formulae are derived to predict the change in gene frequency at this locus, initially by finding the probability distribution of the numbers of each genotype selected from a finite population of specified genotypic composition. Assuming that there is random mating and no natural selection the results are extended to describe repeated cycles of artificial selection for a monecious population. The formulae are evaluated numerically for the case of normally distributed environmental errors.Using numerical examples comparisons are made between the exact values for the predicted change in gene frequency with values obtained using approximate, but simpler, methods. Unless the gene has a large effect (α) on the quantitative trait, relative to the standard deviation of the environmental errors, the agreement between exact and approximate methods is satisfactory for most predictive purposes. The chance of fixation after repeated generations of selection is also evaluated using the exact method, and by means of a diffusion approximation and simple transition probability matrix methods. Except for very small values of population size (N) and large α the results from the diffusion equation agree closely with those from the exact method. Similar results are found from tests made of the prediction from the diffusion equation that the limit is only a function ofNα for a given intensity of selection and initial frequency, and that the rate of advance in gene frequency is proportional to 1/Nfor the same set of parameters.