Quadrupole interactions at divalent and trivalent europium sites in several europium oxides

The electric-quadrupole interactions at the Eu sites in Eu2 CuO4, EuBa2 Cu3 O7x, Eu0.6 Sr0.4 VO2.96, Eu3 V2 O7, and Eu2 VO4 have been studied at room temperature with Eu151 Mössbauer spectroscopy. Whereas Eu ions are found to be in trivalent oxidation state in all these oxides, they also occur concurrently in the divalent state in Eu3 V2 O7 and Eu2 VO4. It is found that the quadrupole coupling constant eVzz Qg is negative in all oxides studied here and in the literature, except Eu2 CuO4. This is discussed in terms of different contributions to the electric-field-gradient tensor. The value eVzz Qg=-18.032(134) mm/s found in Eu2 VO4 is, to our knowledge, the largest ever reported for divalent Eu ions on any Eu oxide system.