Analysis of video packet loss control in ATM networks

[[abstract]]A method of analyzing the stationary queue length distribution of a Markov-modulated Poisson arrival queue with overload control is developed. By defining the overload period of the queue as the time interval when the queue size exceeds the threshold, determined by the maximum permissible delay, and by defining underload period otherwise, it is shown that all the new arrivals during overload periods will experience more than the permissible delay and will be dropped at the destination. The quality of the received pictures is measured by the expected underload period and the expected number of high-priority arrivals during an overload period. The former quantity measures the frequency of packet dropping due to queuing delay, while the later is an indicator of the picture area affected. Two system architectures are analyzed. The first scheme drops late packets only at the destination while the second one blocks packets in front of the multiplexer if they exceed the time constraint. Comparison of the two systems based on the two measurements mentioned above indicates that the second scheme is superior to the first. To improve the video service quality, a simple congestion control based on the dynamics of queue length is proposed. The analysis provides information on the design of congestion control for video traffic.[[fileno]]2030221030016[[department]]資訊工程學

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