Fuchs' Heterochromic Iridocyclitis in Blacks

• Fuchs' heterochromic iridocyclitis (FHI) is a frequently overlooked cause of anterior uveitis. Improper diagnosis may lead to unnecessary therapy. Dark brown irides may demonstrate heterochromia poorly. We believe that FHI may be overlooked in blacks because of a frequent lack of obvious heterochromia and the frequent presence of iris nodules. Heterochromia is not necessary for the diagnosis of FHI if other clinical features of the syndrome are present. In our series of 54 whites and 13 blacks with FHI, heterochromia occurred in 50 (92%) whites and ten (76%) blacks (nonsignificant difference). Iris nodules occurred in 11 (20%) whites and four (30%) blacks (not significant). Statistically significant differences occurred with cataract/aphakia in 41 (75%) whites and three (23%) blacks and with glaucoma in six (11%) whites and five (38%) blacks.

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