Nozzle flows with nonequilibrium condensation

The compressible nozzle flow of a mixture of a condensible vapor and an inert carrier gas with nonequilibrium condensation is considered. An asymptotic method is used with respect to two disparate parameters appearing in the nonequilibrium condensation rate equation. A high activation limit and another limit consideration that signify a large nucleation time followed by a small droplet growth time are employed. Under the limits, the coupled integral rate equation is so controlled by the activation function of homogeneous nucleation over its six zones that there appears to be a one‐to‐one correspondence between these zones and the six characteristic condensation zones of the nozzle flow itself. The six zones are the initial growth of condensate, further growth, rapid growth, onset, nucleation with growth, and droplet growth zone. The last zone can be greatly simplified if terms that imply a reasonably sizable order of error are neglected. This results in the rectilinear, one‐dimensional flow equations of a normal shock wave structured or resisted by droplet growth.

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