BRONCHIECTASIS is a bilateral disease in approximately 30 percent of patients afflicted with this disorder. During the past decade and a half, the indications for pulmonary resection, originally restricted to the cases of unilobar or unilateral involvement, have been extended to include suitable cases of bilateral disease.1 Resection remains the only known method for permanent and total cure of bronchiectasis. Patients with bilateral disease, who for one reason or another are not candidates for surgery, experience the unfavorable clinical course of untreated or medically treated disease so familiar to all. In our hands, at least, the over-all surgical rehabilitation of the patients with bilateral disease has fallen far short of the brilliant results obtained in the group with unilateral bronchiectasis because when the disease is bilateral the involvement all too frequently is so extensive as not to permit complete extirpation of all diseased parenchyma. In the bilateral group