Rosenzweig and Porter have shown a "repulsion of energy levels" in spacing distributions determined from energy levels in complex atomic spectra. The present paper extends their work by showing that these spacing distributions can be determined from calculated positions of the levels in these spectra. Since calculated data are available for spectra where the observed data are scarce or incomplete, this partially overcomes limitations imposed by statistical inaccuracy when direct use is made of the observed data. The equivalence of the two approaches is demonstrated by showing that calculated data for Ta ii yield the same spacing distribution as obtained from observed data for Ta ii and Re i combined. These are complex spectra in which a fully developed repulsion effect is present. A similar demonstration of equivalence is carried out for spectra of Ru i and Mo i, where the repulsion effect is in an intermediate state of development. The results also indicate that numbers easily evaluated from the radial parameters of the theory will indicate roughly the degree of repulsion, replacing to some extent the need for an explicit calculation of the spacing distribution.

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