Harminius castaneusFairmaire was described as a Eucnemidae, but all subsequent authors placed it among the Elateridae, usually as a valid genus and species nearAthous. Neither the original description nor the illustration bear any resemblance to the species currently calledcastaneus. No original material could be found, therefore it is questionable as to what species Fairmaire described. To conserve nomenclatorial stability, application is being made to the International Commission on Zoological Nomenclature to set aside any previous type-species designation and to designatespinigerCandèze as the type-species ofHarminiusandPseudocorymbites. Consequently,castaneusis considered as a speciesincertae dubia. An attempt is made to straighten out the usage of the namescastaneusauct.,spinigerCandèze, andflorentinusDesbrochers. Previouslycastaneusauct has referred either tospinigerorflorentinus(mostly tospiniger), whereas both are now recognized as valid species in the subgenusHarminius;gigasReitter also belongs in the same subgenus.PseudocorymbitesFiori is isogenotypic withHarminiusand the subgeneraDiacanthousReitter andMegathousReitter remain valid underHarminius, as in most catalogues.