Slow Waves in Ferrites and Their Interactions with Electron Streams

The slow waves that propagate in longitudinally magnetized ferrite rods enclosed in cylindrical wave‐guides are investigated theoretically. The backward, azimuthally symmetric volume waves that propagate in a lossy ferrite rod are studied with the quasistatic analysis and the lossy permeability tensor derived from the Bloch‐Bloembergen phenomenological formulation. The attenuation constant is proportional to the linewidth, and for polycrystalline yttrium iron garnet (YIG) (ΔH ≈ 50 Oe), the loss is approximately 30 dB/cm. The interaction of these waves with an electron stream which passes longitudinally through a hole in the center of the ferrite rod is studied; for normal values of beam perveance (∼10−6 A/V3/2), backward‐wave oscillations should occur only for rods having a linewidth less than several oersteds and a length greater than a few centimeters. When the ratio of rod radius to beam hole radius is 1.5, the interaction parameter C is reduced by about 25% of the value when this ratio approaches infinity. Brillouin diagrams are shown for the azimuthally dependent volume and surface waves in a lossless ferrite. Also, the results of a dynamic analysis are shown demonstrating the relationship between the magnetostatic modes and the waveguide modes. The quasistatic analysis is shown to give a close approximation to the correct dispersion relation even in the limit of fast waves, provided the radius is sufficiently small.