Maturation involves suppression of voltage-gated currents in the frog oocyte

Voltage‐ and time‐dependent currents having slow kinetics have been studied in plasma membranes of immature oocytes of the european frog, Rana esculenta. Ik, corresponding to an outward flow of K+, is activated at potentials more positive than about −40 mV, and subserves outward rectification; llr, corresponding to an outward flow of Cl, is activated at potentials more negative than about −80 mV and subserves inward rectification. Such currents can act as negative feedback mechanisms in the control of membrane potential in the immature oocyte and limit to a somewhat restricted range its possible deviations from resting values. Besides lk, membrane depolarizations to potentials more positive than about + 30 mV are capable of activating lNa, corresponding to outflow of Na+. By contrast, the frog mature egg‐cell has a single voltage‐ and time‐dependent current, lM, activated at potentials more positive than +30 mV, with properties similar to lNa. The disappearance of lk and llr along with remarkable reduction in leakage lowers impedance in the egg membrane. It seems reasonable to suggest that the observed changes in membrane permeability reflect changes which have taken place along the maturation process and are of importance for successful fertilization.