NADPH oxidase in human lung fibroblasts

Reactive oxygen species produced by NADPH oxidase appear to play a role in the response of human lung fibroblast cells to rhinovirus infection. The purpose of the following studies was to characterize the NADPH oxidase components in these cells, to examine the effect of rhinovirus challenge on the expression of these proteins, and to confirm previous studies suggesting a role for p47-phox in the oxidant response to rhinovirus challenge. The results revealed that the NADPH oxidase components p47-phox, p67-phox, p22-phox, and NOX4 were expressed in lung fibroblast cells. In contrast, gp91-phox was not expressed in this cell line. Expression of p67-phox was upregulated by rhinovirus challenge. The functional role of NADPH oxidase in the rhinovirus-induced oxidant stress and elaboration of IL-8 was confirmed by detection of significant reductions in oxidant stress and IL-8 elaboration following transfection of the cells with antisense nucleotides to p47-phox. The lack of gp91-phox in cultured lung fibroblast cells, the induction of p67-phox by rhinovirus, and the confirmation of participation of p47-phox in rhinovirus-induced oxidant stress are significant findings of this study and form a basis for future investigations into understanding the mechanisms of the NADPH oxidase response to rhinovirus infection.