Crystallographic Refinement and Structure-Factor Time-Averaging by Molecular Dynamics in the Absence of a Physical Force Field

The application of Molecular-Dynamics simulation in protein-crystallographic structure refinement has become common practice. In this paper, structure optimizations are described where the driving force is derived only from the crystallographic data and not from any physical potential energy function. Under this extreme condition ab initio structure refinement and the application of structure-factor time averaging was investigated using a small 9 atom test system. Success in ab initio refinement, where the starting atomic positions are randomly distributed, depends on the resolution of the crystallographic data used in the optimization. The presence of high resolution data introduces false minima in the X-ray energy profile, enhancing the search problem significantly. On the same system, we also tested the method of time-averaged crystallographically restrained Molecular Dynamics, again in the absence of a physical force field. In this method, the diffraction data is modelled by an ensemble of structures instead of one single structure. In comparison to conventional single-structure refinement, more reflections were required to determine a correct atomic distribution. A time-averaging simulation at 0.2 nm resolution (40 reflections) yielded an incorrect distribution, although a low R-factor was obtained. Simulations at 0.1 nm resolution (248 reflections) gave both low R-factors, 3 to 4%, and correct atomic distributions. The scale factor between the observed and time-averaged calculated structure factor amplitudes appeared to be unstable, when optimized during a time-averaging simulation. Tests of time-averaged restrained simulations with noise added to the observed structure-factor amplitudes, indicated that noise is modelled when no information in the form of constraints or restraints is available to distinguish it from real data.