Mosaics reported from binucleate eggs are [male][male], gynandromorphs and [female][female]. These may be mosaic for one or more genes. A 2nd haplo-diploid [male] mosaic is reported having mosaic gonads. A mosaic [male] is reported from a mother heterozygous for 5 factors in the same linkage group, involving a triple crossover between 2 strands, a double between the other 2. In the origin of a few mosaic [male][male] egg-trinuclearity is involved, since various parts of the body show at least 3 different combinations of the maternal factors. Since mosaics breed differently at different periods of their life, genetic stratification of gonads is indicated. A gynandromorph showing 2 genetically different kinds of [male] tissue suggests somatic segregation. Two impaternate gynandromorphs occurred in material occasionally producing impaternate [female][female], suggesting cleavage of an ootid and also of a second oocyte nucleus.

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