The amplitude distribution probability function (ADPF) and the power spectrum of the surface electromyogram from m. deltoideus anterior, m. infraspinatus and m. trapezius pars descendens were analyzed from 7 persons working at a pillar drill. Recordings were performed 6 times during a working day. The ADPF was analyzed from 2–3 work-cycles from each recording. The static contraction level was 11.0% MCV in m. deltoideus anterior, 8.5% MVC in m. infraspinatus, and 20.5% MCV in m. trapezius, without any change occuring throughout the day. When compared to previous suggested upper limits of ADPF levels, both the static and the medium contraction levels were too high in the performance of this particular task. The power spectrum of the EMG was analyzed during isometric contractions of the shoulder muscles. The mean power frequency decreased during the day in m. trapezius only, suggesting muscular fatigue in this area.