Assignment of ADA, ITPA, AK1, and AK2 to Chinese hamster chromosomes

Interspecific somatic cell hybrids formed by fusion of mouse Cl1D cells with Chinese hamster primary spleen or fibroblast cells were used to form a clone panel with members retaining different combinations of Chinese hamster chromosomes and isozyme markers. Concordant segregation analysis of isozymes and chromosomes among clone panel members enabled the provisional assignment of ADA, ITPA, and AK1 to Chinese hamster chromosome 6. Diphtheria toxin selection for Chinese hamster chromosome 2 segregants in Dede cell×CI1D somatic cell hybrids indicated AK2 is located on chromosome 2. These assignments extend observations of autosomal linkage group conservation in mammals—a concept further supported by similarity of G-band patterns in certain chromosomal regions bearing homologous loci in Chinese hamsters, humans, and mice.