Chlorhexidine and Fluoride in Prevention of Plaque and Caries in Hamsters

The effect of combined administration of chlorhexidine and fluoride in the drinking water of hamsters on plaque and caries prevention was studied. Plaque indices of the hamsters receiving chlorhexidine either alone or simultaneously with fluoride were significantly lower than those of the control and fluoride only treated hamsters. The type of plaque indices used in this investigation was area scores. The necessity of quantitatively assessing plaque by several parameters was emphasized. The degrees of caries of the experimental groups were significantly lower than of the control group during the cariogenic diet regime. The anti-cariogenic effect of chlorhexidine and fluoride at low concentrations each provided simultaneously with a cariogenic diet, was confirmed. The differences in caries rate between the experimental groups were not significant. No additive effect on the cariostatic action of chlorhexidine and fluoride was observed when both reagents were applied simultaneously due probably to the low F concentration in the drinking water. The results did not show a direct quantitative relationship between plaque and caries.