Suggestions towards a high-level nomenclature for New Zealand rocks

Rangitata Sequence is suggested as a comprehensive term for “the rocks of the New Zealand Geosyncline”. It is subdivided into the Hokonui and Alpine Assemblages, the former including the Murihiku Supergroup, and the latter the Torlesse (greywacke) Zone and Haast Schist Zone. Pre-Rangitata rocks are referred to the Tuhua Sequence and post-Rangitata rocks to the Kaikoura Sequence. These terms are convenient labels for the major elements of the geologic column in New Zealand; as they are not members of the strict lithostratigraphic hierarchy, they allow great flexibility and avoid the need for premature lithostratigraphic formalisation. The same terms may also be used with Geosyncline, Orogeny, and Orogenic Belt; they thus introduce great economy into the major tectonostratigraphic nomenclature of New Zealand.