Sedimentation equilibrium in the ultracentrifuge means that there is such a distribution of molecular species throughout the cell, that the centrifugal forces are balanced by differences in the activities. This provides a method for determination of the activities and the chemical potentials in polymer solutions which, in principle, is very simple and reliable. A complication is caused by polydispersity of the dissolved polymer. If one assumes that the interaction parameter depends on concentration and temperature, but not on molecular weight, it is possible to determine the chemical potential of polymer and solvent from the ultracentrifugal data. Experiments have been carried out on the systems polystyrene–toluene and polystyrene–cyclohexane at different temperatures and in the concentration range 0–80 wt‐%. The results are expressed in the data for the chemical potential of the solvent, the number average chemical potential of the polymer and the interaction parameter χ.

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