Pituitary Tumor and Cushing's Syndrome

PITUITARY tumors of the chromophobe type associated with pronounced cutaneous melanosis after subtotal or total adrenalectomy for treatment of Cushing's syndrome have been reported in adults1-6 but only rarely as a sequela of adrenalectomy performed in children.7 This paper reports the case of an adolescent male with Cushing's syndrome who had progressive addisonian type of pigmentation and enlargement of the sella turcica after subtotal resection of hyperplastic adrenal glands. Report of Case A 12-year 9-month-old boy was first seen at the Mayo Clinic in 1959 for evaluation of obesity. His symptoms had begun two years previously with gain of weight in the face and trunk and cessation of growth. In addition, he had experienced easy bruising, mild hirsutism, easy fatigability, urinary frequency, and nocturia. He had also experienced mild frontal headaches. Physical examination revealed a short, obese boy with many of the characteristic features of Cushing's syndrome (Fig

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