In vitro culture of hairy cells (HC) (five patients) with .alpha.IFN (100 U/ml) significantly enhanced MHC and CD22 antigen expression and reduced CD25, sIg and FMC7 positivity, together with consistent but not significant reductions in CD9, 19 and HC2. A sixth patient, who was refractory to the effects of .alpha.IFN in vivo, was also studied and none of these changes were seen in her HC when cultured with .alpha.IFN in vitro. .gamma.IFN (100 U/ml) produced a much less marked increase in MHC and reduced sIg. TPA (100 ng/ml) induced changes very similar to those observed with .alpha.IFN, .alpha. and .gamma.IFN had no effect on a range of other antigens HCL (including CD23 and 38, and transferrin receptors) and also produced no significant antigenic changes in CLL cells. It is concluded that these findings are compatible with partial activation/maturation of HC by .alpha.IFN. It is suggested that the specificity of the phenotypic changes induced on HC by .alpha.IFN is a consequence of HC representing a stage of B-cell development at which .alpha.IFN has specific immunomodulatory effects.