Effects of Moisture Stress on Acid-Soluble Phosphorus Compounds in Trifolium subterraneum

Measurement of acid-soluble P compounds in month-old T. subterraneum plants indicated that concentrations of hexose phosphate, phosphogly-cerate, uridine diphosphate glucose, and several unidentified P compounds decreased with increasing moisture stress. In severely wilted plants (relative turgidity 20-45%), the concentrations of most phosphory-lated compounds decreased to less than 1/2 that in plants with a relative turgidity near 100%. The concentration of inorganic phosphate was not affected by moisture stress. Plants which had depleted soil moisture until severe water deficits developed were irrigated 24 hours before harvest. Levels of most organic P compounds which had decreased as a result of moisture stress showed an increase during the 24-hour recovery period.