Cross-relaxation to (3d)1ions in ruby

Resonant cross-relaxation (RCR) and non-resonant cross-relaxation (NCR) measurements are reported on ruby crystals containing Ti3+ as an additional impurity, RCR is shown to be dominated by the Ti3+-lattice process. The temperature dependences of RCR and NCR both give values for the splitting between the ground and first excited Kramers doublets of Ti3+ which are less than that expected but possible reasons are put forward, RCR is also reported in ruby crystals containing V4+ and the results are explained in terms of NCR involving V3+ ions. It is concluded that the ion-lattice coupling is larger for V4+ than for Ti3+ but both are smaller than that for V3+. A table is given which lists all NCR and RCR measurements which have been carried out on all (3d)n ion impurities in ruby.