Most previous analyses of the stability properties of models of mutualism have emphasized the destabilizing effects of mutualism. However, these analyses can be shown to be based upon inappropriate assumptions, or to be applicable only for special cases of mutualism. In this paper three basic 2-species models of mutualism are presented and their six combinations are analyzed by computer simulation for their return time stability and persistence stability. Four out of six models show greater return time stability than an appropriate model without mutualism, and all models show higher persistence stability than the model without mutualism. It is argued that real biological systems can be related to the qualitative structure of each of the basic models of mutualism, and that therefore none of the basic models or their stability properties can be eliminated a priori as being inappropriate. The conclusion follows that while some kinds of mutualistic interactions may be relatively unstable, other mutualisms, probably representing the majority of cases, can be considered to be relatively stable. The limitations of these models and analyses are considered.