Two double-blind studies were carried out to compare the effectiveness and tolerance of a slow-release tablet formulation of 300 mg fentiazac, given once daily, with the standard tablet formulations of 100 mg, given 4-times daily, or 200 mg, given twice daily. A total of 60 patients suffering from acute bicipital tendinitis and/or subdeltoid bursitis was studied, 15 patients on the slow-release and 15 on one of the two standard tablets in each of the two trials. Patients were assessed on entry and at Days 7 and 14 of treatment. The results in both studies showed that there was significant improvement in tenderness, pain on movement, overall pain and in the range of movement after treatment, there being no significant difference between those receiving the slow-release form or the standard tablets. Tolerance was good in all groups and only a few minor or moderate side-effects, mainly of a gastro-intestinal type, were reported.