Continent Catheterizable Urinary Diversion Using the Ileocecal Segment with Stapled Intussusception of the Ileocecal Valve

A continent ileocecal reservoir was created as an alternative to ileal loop urinary diversion in 7 patients. In 3 patients the bladder neck was closed, the in situ bladder was augmented and a continent stoma was formed by intussusception of the ileocecal valve. In the remaining 4 patients an isolated cecal reservoir with a continent stoma replaced the bladder. Creation of a stoma that was continent and easy to catheterize was achieved by intussusception of the ileocecal valve with stabilization of the intussuscepted nipple using a Marlex collar. In most cases the cecal segment was hyperactive but this was controlled with anticholinergic medication. All 7 patients have a satisfactory capacity and a continent stoma without significant catheterization difficulties.