The phosphatidylcholine pathway of diacylglycerol formation stimulated by phorbol diesters occurs via phospholipase D activation

Agonist-induced degradation of phosphatidylcholine (PC) is of interest as this pathway of diacylglycerol (DG) generation may provide added opportunities for the regulation of protein kinase C (PKC). In REF52 cells [3H]myristic acid is preferentially incorporated into PC; this, coupled with the use of [3H]choline, allows for quantitation of both the water-soluble and the lipid products generated when PC is degraded. In cells prelabeled with [3H]choline, TPA stimulated a time-dependent release, into the medium, of choline and not phosphocholine or glycerophosphocholine. Treatment of [3H]myristic acid-labeled cells with either phorbol diesters, sn-1,2-dioctanoylglycerol, or vasopressin elicited the formation of labeled phosphatidate (PA) and DG. The temporal pattern of PC hydrolysis in cells treated with TPA is indicative of a precursor (PA)-product (DG) relationship for an enzymatic sequence initiated by phospholipase D. Adding propranolol, a phosphatidate phosphohydrolase inhibitor, eliminated TPA-induced DG formation, whereas PA generation was unaffected. From these data we conclude that TPA elicits DG formation from PC by the sequential actions of phospholipase D and phosphatidate phosphohydrolase.