The information needs and sources of primary health care workers in the Upper East Region of Ghana

This study investigates the information needs of, and sources used by, community health nurses and midwives in the Upper East Region of Ghana. These workers constitute a major part of the personnel of the primary health care system in Ghana. They need information on the socio- cultural practices of the communities where they work, maternal and child health, current developments in the health profession, and educational and training programmes and opportunities. Information on the way of life, beliefs and taboos of the people is crucial for health care delivery in this region of mainly rural communities. The preferred sources of socio-cultural information in order of importance are: chiefs and local heads; fellow health workers; courses, workshops and seminars; radio programmes. Information on education and training is obtained from workshops and seminars, courses, fellow health workers, and communications from the Ministry of Health. The low rating of libraries as a source of infor mation may be attributed to poor library facilities and services in the region. A number of problems encountered in obtaining information are highlighted. Unfortunately, solutions to these problems may be elusive for as long as the necessity for information services to support the primary health scheme is not emphasised in government health policies.