A novel triple fusion reporter system for use in gene trap mutagenesis

Gene trapping is an insertional mutagenesis strategy that allows for simultaneous gene identification and mutation in embryonic stem (ES) cells. Gene trap vectors both disrupt coding sequence and report on the genes' endogenous expression. The most popular gene trap reporter to date combines β-galactosidase expression with neomycin resistance in a fusion protein known as β-geo. Here we describe a refinement to this reporter that also incorporates real time fluorescent readouts. We have constructed a series of gene trap vectors incorporating a novel tripartite fusion protein consisting of EGFP, β-galactosidase, and the neomycin or hygromycin resistance activities. Our results indicate that these triple fusions can function efficiently as reporters of endogenous trapped gene expression and subcellular localization. We show that these fusion proteins constitute versatile gene trap reporters whose activity can be detected in real time by fluorescence and in fixed tissue with a sensitive enzymatic activity. genesis 45:353–360, 2007.