Mobilization of the non-conjugative IncQ plasmid RSF1010

SUMMARY: The broad host-range non-conjugative IncQ plasmid RSF1010 was mobilised with 100% efficiency in membrane filter matings, both inE. coliK12 andP. aeruginosaPAO, by broad host-range conjugative IncP plasmids. No homology between RSF1010 and an IncP plasmid could be detected. InE. coli, IncIα and IncX plasmids, but not IncF, IncN or IncW plasmids, were also relatively efficient at mobilising RSF1010, while inP. aeruginosa, R91–5 (IncP-10) was highly efficient, but pMG5 (IncP-2) and FP2 (IncP-8) were very inefficient. IncP plasmids also mobilised several plasmids derived from RSF1010 for use as in vectors inin vitrorecombination experiments very efficiently, and pSC101 quite efficiently: this reduces the level of biological containment possible with these plasmids.