Nucleotide sequence analysis of in vivo recombinants between bacteriophage λ DNA and pBR322

The nucleotide sequences involved in the illegitimate recombination of four recombinants between bacteriophage λ DNA and pBR322 in E. coli (λTA6, λKA3, λTA1R, and λKA7) were determined. Each resulted from recombination between regions of homology of 10 to 13 base pairs. The presence of a recA + allele was found to stimulate recombination between λ DNA and pBR322 approximately 10-fold. λTA6, λKA3, and λKA7 were isolated in the presence of a recA + allele and therefore, may have been generated by the recA recombination system. However, λTA1R was isolated in a recA mutant, and was presumably generated by a different recombination system. The possibility that it was generated by DNA gyrase is discussed. Two recombination events were required to form λKA7, which may indicate that it also was generated by DNA gyrase.