Biosolubilization of low-rank coal by aTrametes versicolor siderophore-like product and other complexing agents

A heat stable, low molecular weight (Trametes versicolor (=Coriolus versicolor=Polyporous versicolor) cultures was demonstrated to be a principal factor in the solubilization of leonardite and other low-rank coals. The solubilization of leonardite byT. versicolor cell-free cultures and active fractions was inhibited by Fe3+ and was mimicked by the siderophore desferal mesylate and the iron chelating agents EDTA and 8-hydroxyquinoline. Leonardite solubilization by these later compounds was also inhibited by Fe3+. The ferrated and unferrated form of the partially purified active component fromT. versicolor cultures demonstrated absorption spectra that were similar to the ferrated and unferrated form of desferal mesylate.