Bi209+Xe136reaction atElab=1422MeV

Projectilelike reaction products from the Bi209+Xe136 reaction were studied at a laboratory bombarding energy of 1422 MeV. The fragments were identified by atomic number, and their kinetic energies and angular distributions were measured using three solid-state ΔEE telescopes. The strongly damped products exhibit features similar to those seen in two previous measurements of the same reaction at 940 and 1130 MeV. The angular distribution is peaked near the grazing angle. The minimum kinetic energy is bombarding-energy independent and 150 MeV smaller than the Coulomb energy of touching spherical fragments, indicating a large deformation of these dinuclear systems. The measured element distributions for given Q values are found to be Gaussian and centered at the atomic number of the projectile. At large negative Q values, the centroids of the Gaussian distributions exhibit a small drift towards charge splits more asymmetric than the initial system. Various correlations between experimental observables, including the variances of the Z distributions, the centroids of the angular distributions, and the Q values, are interpreted for all three bombarding energies in terms of the proximity one-body transport model. The experimental relations are satisfactorily reproduced by this theory.