Effects of cattle grazing, sheep grazing, cutting and sward height on a grass-white clover sward

SUMMARY: Thirteen defoliation treatments were applied to a grass-white clover sward for 2 years to study some effects on the sward of cattle grazing compared with sheep grazing compared with various cutting treatments and to study the effect of height of defoliation.Sheep actively sought out the clover in preference to grass whereas the cattle did not. The response of the clover to sheep grazing was a large reduction in the amount of stolon, shorter internodes, petioles and leaflets, and thinner stolon closer to the ground. Reducing the height of defoliation from 8 to 4 cm above ground level also reduced the dimensions of white clover. The clover, however, appeared to recover quickly and completely from the effects both of sheep grazing and of reducing the height of defoliation when these treatments were discontinued. In plots cut for hay the clover disappeared from the sward suddenly and completely in dry conditions following the 2nd-year hay cut. The effect of cattle grazing on white clover was similar to the effect of comparable cutting treatments. Cattle grazing, however, reduced the number of tillers of grass andincreased the proportion of bare ground, compared with cutting or sheep grazing. Grazing rather than cutting tended to encourage perennial ryegrass and to discourageHolcus. Cutting for hay encouragedBromus mollis. Reducing the height of defoliation reduced leaf sheath and blade length and the rate of production of new blade per tiller in perennial ryegrass, but increased the numbers of tillers of grasses.