Dose-Rate Dependence of Early Radiation Effects In Small Mammals

In the course of laboratory experiments (1) directed toward evaluation of the biological effectiveness of monoenergetic fast neutrons in mice, it became necessary to consider quantitatively the effect of dose rate on the degree of response, particularly for the comparison irradiations with 250-kvp x-rays of 2 to 5 kev/µ linear energy transfer (LET). In addition to designing experiments for this evaluation, the literature was searched for data on dose-rate effects. The purpose of this paper is to compile and compare the results of the major dose-rate studies carried out in small mammals with ionizing radiations of low LET from external sources. It is with these studies that more data are available and the dose-rate effects more pronounced. Further, a formula will be derived that describes the relation of biological effectiveness to radiation dose rate in these studies. The significance of this expression will be discussed, and it will be compared briefly to formulas proposed by other investigators. A compr...

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