Transmissible gastroenteritis virus (TGEV) is a porcine coronavirus that causes diarrhea, leading to near 100% mortality in neonatal piglets with corresponding devastating economic consequences. For the protection of neonatal and older animals, oral live vaccines present the attractive property of inducing desired mucosal immune responses, including colostral antibodies in sows—an effective means to passively protect suckling piglets. Newly attenuatedSalmonellavaccine constructs expressing TGEV S protein epitopes were studied and evaluated for improved humoral immune response to TGEV. The macrophage-inducibleSalmonella ssaHandspiC/ssaBpromoters were compared for their ability to express the TGEV C and A epitopes in the context of the heterologous 987P fimbriae onSalmonellavaccines. Compared to thessaHpromoter, theSalmonella cya crpvector elicited significantly higher levels of mucosal and systemic antibodies in orally immunized mice when the chimeric fimbriae were expressed from thespiCpromoter. TheSalmonella spiCpromoter construct induced the highest level of chimeric fimbriae after being taken up by the J774A.1 macrophagelike cells. TheSalmonella cya crpvaccine vector was shown to incorporate into 987P partially degraded chimeric subunits lacking the TGEV epitopes. In contrast, its isogenicpgtEmutant produced fimbriae consisting exclusively of intact chimeric subunits. Mice immunized orally with theSalmonella pgtEvaccine expressing chimeric fimbriae from thespiCpromoter elicited significantly higher systemic and mucosal antibody titers against the TGEV epitopes compared to the parental vaccine. This study indicates that theSalmonella cya crp pgtEvector and thespiCpromoter can be used successfully to improve immune responses toward heterologous antigens.