Antiulcerogenic Effects ofOcimum basilicumExtracts, Volatile Oils and Flavonoid Glycosides in Albino Rats

Antiulcerogenic effects of extracts, volatile oils and flavonoid glycosides of Ocimum basilicum leaves were studied in normal as well as aspirin-, acetic acid- and stress-induced ulcerated rats. Also, their effects on outputs of gastric acid, pepsin and hexosamines were recorded in normal and ulcerated rats. The aqueous, methanol and water-methanol extracts and flavonoid glycosides of O. basilicum decreased the ulcer index, inhibited gastric acid and pepsin secretions and enhanced hexosamines in aspirin-treated rats. The aqueous extract increased glucosamine but did not affect the output of acid and pepsin. The methanol extract lowered acid and pepsin output but did not increase the glucosamine level. However, the water-methanol extract decreased acid output, increased glucosamine, and did not affect pepsin. The flavanoid glycosides of O. basilicum decreased the ulcer index and the outputs of acid and pepsin, but increased glucosamines. Volatile oils of the plant were ineffective against stress-induced ulcers. However, high antiulcer activity was demonstrated by the aqueous extract in acetic acid-induced ulcerated rats. It therefore appears that anti ulcerogenic activity of O. basilicum is extractable into both water and methanol and its active principle(s) may include flavonoid glycosides. These substances may act by augmenting the gastric barrier.