Structural Aspects of the Metal-Insulator Transitions in Cr-Doped VO2

The temperature-composition phase diagram of V1xCrxO2 with 0x0.025 is found to contain four phases: rutile (R), normal monoclinic VO2 (M1), and two monoclinic phases (M2 and M3). For M2 with x=0.024 at 298 °K, 2aRaM=9.0664, 2cRbM=5.7970, aRcM=4.5255 Å, and β=91.88. The M2 and M3 regions are separated by a volume discontinuity. There are two types of V atoms in these structures. The first type form pairs and the second type form zig-zag chains along the bM axis. This contrasts with VO2 where all the vanadium atoms are paired. The structures R, M2, and M3 with x=0.024 have been refined from single-crystal x-ray data. High-pressure resistivity and x-ray measurements vs temperature give dT(M2R)dP=(0.9±0.1) °K/kbar and VRVM2=0.11 cm3/mole VO2. At higher pressures dT(M3R)dP=(0±0.2) °K/kbar. These results cannot be simply interpreted in terms of the homopolar bond model proposed for the M1 phase of VO2.

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