Antarctic pressure and temperature anomalies surrounding the minimum in the Southern Oscillation index

The purpose of our research is to analyze surface pressure and temperature patterns in Antarctica for relationships with the El Niño/Southern Oscillation (ENSO). Using monthly anomalies of surface pressure and temperature in Antarctica, lag correlations are made to the Southern Oscillation index (SOI) and annual composites are created for years where ENSO is in a warm phase. Comparisons are made to annual composites for nonwarm phase years and to six individual ENSO warm phases occurring between 1957 and 1984. We found a sharp change in the sign of the pressure and temperature anomalies between the year before and the year after the minimum in the SOI. We hypothesize that the temperature and pressure anomaly patterns are related, through a thickness argument, to the 500‐mbar southern hemispheric flow and the Australian branch of the Southern Oscillation.

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