Localization and electron-interaction effects in metallic glasses

Magnetoresistance measurements have been made on amorphous Lu75 Pd25 and Lu75 Ni25 alloys. In the absence of contributions from spin-splitting interaction (because of the high spin-orbit scattering rate 1/τso1014 s1) and superconducting fluctuations, direct comparison of experimental data with three-dimensional weak localization theory can be made. Our results follow the trend predicted by theory, but are about 20% larger. Interaction effects with a negative screening parameter can explain both the discrepancy and the order of magnitude of resistivity ρ(T). We obtain the inelastic scattering time τi(T)≃2×1010 T2 s which can be attributed to electron-phonon processes in disordered metals, according to the theory of Bergmann and Takayama. Prior results obtained for amorphous Zr40 Cu60 are discussed only qualitatively as this alloy does exhibit superconducting fluctuations above 0.5 K.