Lifetime measurements of the2P13state in heliumlike silicon and sulphur

We report measurements of the lifetime of the metastable 2P13 state in heliumlike silicon and sulphur using the time-of-flight technique. An apparatus was developed suitable for direct beam-foil measurement of mean lives of x-ray emitting states whose lifetimes are in the neighborhood of 1012 sec. Silicon beams at 48 and 54 MeV and sulphur beams at 50, 60, and 66 MeV underwent foil excitation in passage through a nickel foil. A high-resolution Doppler-tuned spectrometer was used to study the decay profile of the emitted x rays. The measured lifetimes of the 2P13 state, (6.35 ± 0.33) × 1012 sec and (1.57 ± 0.18) × 1012 sec for silicon and sulphur, respectively, are in agreement with theory.