The Nuclear Separation of theS2Molecule by Electron Diffraction

Rotational analyses of S2 bands as carried out by various workers have led to the following values for the nuclear separation; 1.60A, 1.84A, 1.73A, and 1.93A. In the present work this distance was determined by electron diffraction from S2 vapor at 800°C and was found to be 1.92±0.03A. This value is based upon the measured relative intensities of scattering in the region of the third maximum, (1λ)sin12θ from 0.70 to 1.0, and upon visual measurements on the fourth, fifth and sixth diffraction maxima. When the temperature of sulphur vapor is decreased appreciably below 800°C its electron diffraction pattern shows the presence of higher molecular types. The results obtained can be explained on the basis of S2+n molecules where n=1,2,3 with a S—S—S valence angle of about 100° and a S—S distance, between closest neighbors, of ca. 2.1A. These values are in agreement with those found for the symmetrical puckered ring-shaped S8 molecule present in crystalline sulphur.